GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speaker and 400 attendees. The conference cover topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.

Presentation: "Answering Questions with Stories"

Track: Agile: In reality / Time: Thursday 15:50 - 16:40 / Location: Paris

Stories answer questions in a wonderful, sometimes roundabout way that permits the inclusion of contextual details left out of straightforward answers. And they are much more fun to listen to.

In this Q&A session, Alistair will solicit questions from the audience and answer them in the somewhat unusual form by telling stories from the hundreds of projects and companies he has seen. Show up with a question or three on any topics you care about, and watch to see what stories will show up to shed light on them. (Caveat: there will be many more questions asked than can be answered in this session, so not all questions will be chosen.)

Alistair Cockburn, one of the "All-Time Top 150 i-Technology Heroes"

Alistair Cockburn

Biography: Alistair Cockburn

Dr. Alistair Cockburn, one of the original creators of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development was voted one of the "The All-Time Top 150 i-Technology Heroes" in 2007, for his pioneering work in use cases and agile software development. An internationally renowned IT strategist and author of the Jolt award-winning books "Agile Software Development" and "Writing Effective Use Cases", he is an expert on agile development, use cases, process design, project management, and object-oriented design. In 2001 he co-authored the Agile Manifesto, in 2003 he created the Agile Development Conference, in 2005 he co-founded the Agile Project Leadership Network, in 2010 he co-founded the International Consortium for Agile. Many of his articles, talks, poems and blog are online at

Twitter: @TotherAlistair